Happy Birthday Brooklyn Bridge!
I would have liked to have been there in person but just seeing this amazing photo taken by none other than Amazin' Jane fills me with a real sense of the moment. Terrific shot of a very beautiful U.S. landmark. It's kinda grand sharing a birthday in the month of May. May is such a great month to be born. Lot's of flowers, warm weather, the smell of freshly mowed lawns, thunder storms. Yes, I said thunder storms!
Thunder storms are real cool to me. Back east, thunder storms would roll in in a rather predictable fashion. Warm air coming off the land would mix with cool air from over the ocean and voila: "let's get ready to rumble" kids! But out here is corn country thunder storms develop in a unique way unfamiliar from the observations of my youth. They seem to come more unannounced, abruptly in a way that strikes you as, "wow, it's booming outside!" And the sky's lightning show is really grand out here cause of the far less presence of light pollution. I walk outside and can see clear to the next county as flashes light the clouds and the ever awe inducing strikes light the horizon.
I only wish it wasn't raining so hard so that I could set up my camera to try and nail some shots. I know I have a setting which will trigger the shutter when light flashes but I have to play around with it more. Oh well, I'll still enjoy the show! ;-)
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